Laura Hollingsworth, a talented singer-songwriter and pianist, leads “The Transference”, an Indie rock pop band from Chicago, known for her work with bands like Thistle Eater and Burn the Barn. She brings a unique combination of remindful lyrics and the band’s style. The band has released their latest album, “100 Mirrors.” This album reflects the band’s exceptional talent and ability.

                                                                                     The Transference

Andrea Santiago’s harmonies and Justin Wheeler’s lead guitar work from Modern Daybreak also added their touch to the music. Drummer Alex Karan and bassist MJ Johnson are responsible for the beautiful beat of the song. The band also features lavish harmonies. An amazing producer and multi-instrumentalist, “Mike Przygoda” (The Przmatics) added magic to their music by playing various instruments such as vibraphone, harmonium, and pedal steel. This combination of talents creates a refreshing sound for audiences.

Each track on the EP is evidence of the band’s skill and dedication to music. Fans can experience EPs on Spotify and other major streaming platforms. Check out The Transference’s magic and journey through the vibrant indie rock world.

Follow The Transference on Spotify, Bandcamp, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. Also Visit their Official Website
