POPopportunity has released their latest single, “Desire”. Perry Moorman founded this group of international musicians in January 2023. This single is catchy, danceable, and has 90s romantic vibes. It tells the story of a girl who was in love with a boy whom she followed on social media, and she has a dream to win his heart every time she imagines him.


POPopportunity is known in the music world for creating outstanding pop tracks by collaborating with known musicians and specialists. For “Desire”, Perry Moorman gathered an impressive team. The song features the vocals of “Kim Malou”, a fantastic singer-songwriter. Kim has led a Dutch television show and performed live on stage. She is a talented pianist and guitarist. In her songs, she writes about her experiences as a single mother.

Guus Fluit of Floyd Records in Brussels, Belgium, oversaw the music production for “Desire.” The coach, Frank Halters, forced everyone to give their best performance. “Desire” is POPopportunity’s fourth official release. This song will make listeners hum, sing alone, and dance. With an upbeat tempo of 118 BPM, it is great for any pop music playlist.

Follow POPopportunity on Spotify and YouTube. Also Visit their Official Website
