KOBURG, a solo musician from Winchester, UK, has released a new EP called “This Game Called Love”. She does everything herself, writing the music, singing, playing instruments, and bringing her ideas to life. Music is her passion, she puts all her energy and emotion into each song. “The Enchantress” and “Position of Power”, two of KOBURG’s successful albums, received positive reviews and extensive radio play. She’s working on her third album, coming out in early 2025. Her new EP, “This Game Called Love”, is available as a special CD and on music streaming services. Evan Rodaniche, who collaborated with Powerman 5000, and Ted Jensen, a renowned music expert, enhanced the song’s sound quality.


“This Game Called Love” is a song about the ups and downs of looking for love. The song explores the tension between yearning for a deep bond with someone and the fear of experiencing hurt. The lyrics show this back-and-forth between wanting love and protecting yourself. KOBURG’s strong singing and detailed music make the song very emotional and engaging. KOBURG is a solo artist and talented musician who collaborates with other artists worldwide, singing and playing guitar on their recordings. She is excellent at her job and can express strong emotions through her music, which makes her a unique and respected artist in the symphonic metal genre.

Listen to “This Game Called Love” on Spotify, Apple Music, and other streaming services. Also, follow KOBURG on social media to see what she’s working on next. KOBURG will make a big impression on the music world with her unique sound and meaningful songs.

Follow KOBURG on Spotify, Song Kick, Bandcamp, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Also Visit her Official Website
