Urban Walrus, a band, traveled the world playing shows for six months. Now they’re back in the studio, making new music. Their new song, “Not Today”,  is perfect and might be a big hit. The song “Not Today” is about having a bad day but trying to make it through. It’s a strong rock song that feels very real and stays with you. Urban Walrus made it with the help of Jeannot Steck, and it’s one of their strongest songs. The song “Not Today” has a tough and eerie feel. It shows the band’s skill at turning real feelings into music.

                                                                                  URBAN WALRUS

Urban Walrus is known for playing real and honest music, and this song is another example. It’s a high-energy song with melodies that will stick in your head, making it one of their best works. You can listen to “Not Today” on SoundCloud. Follow Urban Walrus on social media to hear about new music and upcoming concerts. You can also find them on Spotify.

Urban Walrus is a rock band that tries new things and isn’t afraid to take risks. Their new song, “Not Today”,  is an exciting example of this. Don’t miss it; it’s going to be big. Urban Walrus, a band, traveled the world playing shows for six months. Now they’re back in the studio, making new music. Their new song, “Not Today”,  is perfect and might be a big hit.

Follow Urban Walrus on Spotify, Sound Cloud, Bandcamp, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok
