Sid Otto, from Berlin, is not only a singer but also a songwriter and producer. He has released his latest EP, “Stay”. This song demonstrates Sid’s belief in authenticity and musical versatility. Sid’s mother was Indian, and his father was German. His involvement in music is due to his Indian-German heritage and his father’s love of classical music.

                                                                         Photo by Arian David Stettler

This song is about determination and not taking life seriously. Relationships, goals, and work are themes of this single that let listeners keep moving forward and utilize their precious time. To show different angles on this topic, Sid created three different versions of the song, each provoking a unique mood. The reggae version of “Stay” is special because of its calmness and easy-going vibes. Bob Marley’s sounds, as well as the reggae era of UB40 from the 1980s and 1990s, serve as inspiration. This song’s version gives listeners sunshine-filled and carefree feelings.

This song is perfect for the moment when you want to feel relaxed and forget about the worries and stress of life. The music of Sid Otto is filled with emotional depth and genuine expression. He doesn’t limit his music to a single genre, allowing diverse influences to shape his sound. His music consistently maintains its freshness, relatability, and adherence to his artistic vision.

Follow Sid Otto on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. Also visit his Official Website
