‘Ellery Twining’, an artist deeply connected to music, has released his latest single, “Dusty Springfield’s Record Collection”. Since 1995, Twining has been working on the Mystic Disc record.

                                                                             Michelle Gemma : Mystic, CT

This single reflects his experience, as it combines religious and cultural influences. The store’s acquisition of Dusty Springfield’s record collection inspired Twining to write this song. This experience inspired Twining to write his music. The lyrics tell the story of a pop star selling her collection to Twining. Later, that sale disappeared, but it still had an impact.

Twining thought about how that scenario reminded him of Liz Phair’s song about an estate sale, which symbolized life. He saw the changes happening and wondered what they meant for him. Ultimately, he realized that this moment might have saved the store and given it new charm. Remember to experience this masterpiece.

Follow Ellery Twining on Spotify, Bandcamp, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Also Visit his Official Website
