Robbie Rapids ventures into new territory with the release of his latest single, “Mule of Mine”. Known for his traditional rock origins, this is his first attempt at a spaghetti western country rock style, and he puts his own entertaining spin on it. The song narrates the tale of a farmer who is trying to locate his lazy mule. Instead of working, the mule escapes to a country club pool, and the farmer is none too pleased. As the song progresses, the emotions of the farmer change– he starts off calling it a ‘fool mule of mine’, but towards the end, the farmer accepts that he is quite a ‘cool mule of mine’ as he appreciates the value of breaks. It is a whimsical, fantastical story created by book author Tony Tiffin and is sung by Robbie Rapids.

In the single, Robbie steps into multiple shoes as he does the vocals, baritone electric guitar, two guitar solos, simulated trumpet, and drums. With his seamless blends of rock and country, the artist creates a relaxed beat with a layer of coolness that is unmatched. Also part of the band is David Levene, a skilled musician famous for his involvement in the psychedelic rock group Laghonia. His work on the banjo, bass guitar, electric guitar and in production gives further depth to the sound. These three artists – Tiffin, Rapids, and Levene – create a composition that builds on poignancy while offering fresh perspectives on familiar concepts.
More than just a tale, “Mule of Mine” is an entire experience. It is accompanied by a dose of laughter, simplistic yet catchy tunes, western influences, and makes for easy listening. From fans of country rock to music lovers, this is a storytelling piece that is worth listening to.
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