Crimson Dot, also known as Hollow Profit, a former supervillain, is now a rapper. He’s releasing his first song, “Outlawz – Remix”, which features two other rappers, HEXX and Junii. Producer 47 Quid produced the song. Crimson Dot draws inspiration from the late rapper MF DOOM and aspires to emulate his role as a hip-hop supervillain. He hopes to inspire young people with his music and his playful, mischievous style.

                                                                              Vanessa Castillo

Crimson Dot’s start in hip-hop is mysterious. You can find his early music online, but you need to track down its source. People think he might record in a secret lab or a hidden mafia place, but nobody can see his studio. Several journalists attempted to visit his studio, but they vanished, further deepening the mystery. Even though nobody knows much about Crimson Dot, his music is starting to get famous. He has a unique style and commits to being a supervillain, making him stand out in hip-hop.

Dot wants to inspire young people to be themselves, even if that means being different and following their dreams, just like his hero, MF DOOM, did. When someone asked about the new song, a prisoner said, “It was okay at first, but he’s been playing it nonstop for six days. That’s just the beginning of the terrible events unfolding here. Please, if you escape, tell my wife I love her”.

Follow Hollow Profit on Spotify, Sound Cloud, Bandcamp, Facebook, X, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. Also Visit his Official Website
