A little more than a week ago, Mick J. Clark released his latest Christmas single, “Glory Glory Hallelujah”, it’s just Christmas music. He wants us to believe, when in fact it’s a sincere cry from the heart in search of peace. As Clark said in an interview before the release of the new song, all that is great, but so many children this Christmas would rather have a more reasonable gift, no more fighting, no fighting and peace on the planet. Santa can give some cool gifts no doubt.

The music begins with a wonderful incredible tune that just screams Christmas cheer. It is hard to find the right words to explain how much of Mick’s big soulful voice he possesses, but not shocking, the words tell the tale of wanting something better and uniting as one, a pretty beautiful concept. Then the powerful and energetic repeat of the chorus makes you want to go out and do something; all you face needs to be focused on one simple question: what is the meaning of Christmas… is it love, family, or world peace? The answer is clear and simple. But the emotional appeal of this piece is what makes it unique. Unlike most of its holiday counterparts that dwell on joy and celebration, this particular song has the guts to delve into conflicts that the world faces. But it manages to do so without really losing the essence of a Christmas song. It’s the kind of music that entertains, it gives a deep reservoir, and the way it’s presented is icing on the cake, so it deserves to be part of your festive collection.
It is widely known that Mick J. Clark produces music with an intent. This is evident in his earlier songs like those in the album ‘Causes’ which speak on social matters. Once again, Mick shows that his art is of substance. An artist who skillfully combines his imaginative power with constructive ideas makes an impression in the artistic world. “Glory Glory Hallelujah” is a very good song especially looking at the Christmas period. But it is more than just a good Christmas song. To make Christmas more enjoyable, listen to Mick J. Clark’s professional and strong soprano which will make you more than excited.
Follow Mick J. Clark on Spotify, Sound Cloud, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Also Visit his Official Website