‘Wake Me in the Sunrise’ is Wilhelm’s third album. It is a compilation of lo-fi folk music that makes every listener go through personal experiences. The collection will be released on January 7, 2025, and it explores the artist’s feelings deeply. On a 4-track Tascam multi-tracker with raw simplicity. The first track is “Midnight Caller on the Moon” and it is a haunting yet gentle beginning. The tune appears like driving with silence in a car under the starry sky where Wilhelm’s voice is fragile enough to match with the soft hum from the reed organ, creating an echoic tone. “Obituary Page” follows next and has been written using maudlin language that signifies grieving about loss while remembering things. Its minimalistic instrumentation allows for the weighty nature of its lyrics to come through.

“Upon The Thinnest Lips” sounds quite fragile as its intimate guitar strumming builds up a sense of yearning. “All Things I Need To Say” resembles confession because Wilhelm sings emotionally, exposing himself openly throughout the song. This side ends with “Cloudless Wonder Eyes”, which feels bitter-sweet but has some uplifting elements and seems like an instance of seeing clearly amidst the sadness. Side B kicks off with “One to Keep You Warm”, a warm song that radiates comfort and solace. “Hopeless Drifting Afternoon” is sad and reflective; the meandering tune evokes deep thought. “Prophet’s Gun” has that heaviness which is characteristic of Wilhelm’s typicality as a composer. The album concludes with “Hold Your Head Now, Baby”, a poignant concluding track that seems like an emotional goodbye leaving warmth and hope in the hearts of the audience.
‘Wake Me in the Sunrise’ excels at minimalist storytelling, each song offers glimpses into Wilhelm’s life. His authenticity resonates throughout every single song hence making this album an essential listen for fans of introspective folk music and lo-fi songwriting alike.
Follow Wilhelm on Spotify and Instagram. Also Visit his Official Website