Dive into the avant-garde soundscape of “Gimme A Laser (Kyrie Eleison),” the latest offering from the eclectic mind of Sarah Marie Nicolosi and her neurodivergent ensemble. As a collective of musicians driven by a passion for philosophy, mathematics, science, and technology, their music becomes a canvas for a unique fusion of ideas and sonic exploration. Nicolosi, along with Charles Sadler, Jonathan Ford, Charlie Milkey, and Michael Nicolosi, crafts an auditory experience that transcends traditional boundaries. Each member, wielding instruments ranging from synths and electric bass to digital percussion and acoustic guitar, contributes to a multi-dimensional composition that mirrors the intellectual diversity within the group.

Sarah Marie Nicolosi

Based in Minneapolis, MN, the band’s decade-long camaraderie laid the foundation for this collaborative endeavor. “Gimme A Laser (Kyrie Eleison)” emerges as a testament to the boundless possibilities when neurodivergent minds converge in the realm of music. The single draws inspiration from the pulsating rhythms of 80s synth and EDM, reflecting the band’s varied influences. Nicolosi’s prowess on synth, melodica, and drums takes center stage, guiding the listener through an immersive sonic journey. Beyond the music, Nicolosi’s receipt of the Creative Support for Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board underscores the group’s impact on the intersection of neurodiversity and art. This endeavor becomes not only a musical expression but a beacon for others to follow their paths of self-exploration.

At its core, the ethos of the song and the album lies in encouraging neurodivergent individuals to embrace their innate curiosity and self-expression. “Gimme A Laser (Kyrie Eleison)” serves as an auditory manifestation of the Golden Mean, weaving together the Fibonacci spiral and the ancient Greek maxim Meden Agan—”Nothing To Excess.” As the track unfolds, listeners are invited to decipher the intricate connections between philosophy, mathematics, and sound. The composition’s synesthetic depth, discovered during the production process, adds an intriguing layer, inviting audiences to explore the rich tapestry of neurodivergent experiences through the lens of music. In the world of Sarah Marie Nicolosi and her collaborators, “Gimme A Laser (Kyrie Eleison)” becomes more than a song—it transforms into a portal, inviting all to join in a collective journey of discovery and artistic expression.

Follow Sarah Marie Nicolosi on official website, FacebookSoundcloud, Bandcamp, and Instagram
