Dell Johnston, a skilled musician, has released a new song called “Surge Fabularum” (Rise of Legends). This song starts with an intense and dramatic choir and horns, then becomes more melodic and calm. It builds up to a fast-paced and exciting finish. When you listen to this song, it’s like watching a movie in your mind. It’s very evocative and imaginative.

                                                                                       Dell Johnston

Dell Johnston is a multi-talented musician who composes, produces, sings, and writes songs. He started making music 15 years ago while working at a recording studio. He draws inspiration from renowned composers such as John Williams, Hans Zimmer, and others who create music for movies. Dell’s music is well-known and used by many online creators. It has also appeared on European TV and MTV. Dell started playing music in the 80s as a drummer in a local band called Window Pane. From there, he grew to become a successful composer and producer.

Dell records and perfects his music in his own home studio. He claims that his creative process is unpredictable, generating ideas until he completes the song. One of his notable songs, “Surge Fabularum” from the album “Redemptio”, is an epic piece that tells the story of the battle between beneficial and evil. Dell thinks that a higher power helps him make music. He says, “When I start a new song, I pray for guidance. I believe I’m just a tool, and a higher power creates the music through me. I do not consider myself exceptionally talented; however, a unique phenomenon occurs when I begin to compose, which is the essence of my music”.

Follow Dell Johnston on Spotify, Bandcamp, Facebook and YouTube
