DAlcon’s most recent single, “Keep Going”, is more than a song. It is about resilience, passion and the calming nature sounds. This tune discusses endurance while combining motivational words with creative production that includes elements of birdsong and forest noises. DAlcon has come up with a track that seems intimate, but at the same time, it speaks to everyone after being inspired by his struggles and deep connection to the natural world.

Beginning with a peaceful yet catchy melody that has chirping birds and rhythmic beats in it, these are not just background effects, but they form an integral part of the composition, highlighting DAlcon’s love for nature. As the music continues, his lyrics delve into the themes of perseverance and optimism which reflect his philosophy on how to get through tough times. Lines such as “I am grateful to be healthy, I’d rather be poor than be ill and wealthy” express something profound about him personally including his struggle against Crohn’s disease. Created in conjunction with Carlos Garcia, the performance showcases an interleaving of natural sounds and hip-hop elements. What DAlcon achieves by tying birdsong to his beats is an invigorating and distinctive sensation added to this track. The authenticity and devotion behind its creation are highlighted by Garcia’s hilarious story about recognizing swift bird calls in the chorus.
In Valencia, Spain, the recording of “Keep Going” took place at Seven Studios. “Keep Going” also carries the weight of DAIcon’s incredible achievement – setting a Guinness World Record for the longest rap marathon at 39 hours and 45 minutes. This landmark indicates an unwavering commitment to his art. “Keep Going” is a standout as an audacious and innovative piece of work. Its meaning is simple; no matter how hard life becomes, we must keep going. It’s like DAlcon created something completely from scratch out of his pain and has been carrying it all along without throwing it away.
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