The Flying Beets, a three-person rock band from Fort Worth, Texas, has released a new song called “The Stupid Way You Breathe”. This is their fourth song, and people were eagerly waiting for it. The song came out on July 19, 2024, and shows how talented the band is and how unique their sound is.

                                                         Kaegan Leigh

Nathan Waller, a skilled singer and songwriter with a wide vocal range and strong voice, leads The Flying Beets. The band also includes DC on bass and Kenn Scott on drums. Kenn is a quirky guy who likes to dress up as a Ninja Turtle. When they play together, they make exciting music that draws people in. “The Stupid Way You Breathe” is a wonderful example of how the band’s rhythm section complements Nathan’s songwriting and guitar playing. The song has a memorable melody, and Nathan sings it amazingly well, making it a wonderful song to add to your favorite playlist.

Despite being a newly formed band in 2022, The Flying Beets’ music exudes experience and thoughtfulness. Their new single shows how talented they are together, and it will likely appeal to many different types of music listeners. The band wants people to enjoy listening to their songs and experiencing the music’s ups and downs, just like they do when playing it.

Follow The Flying Beets on Spotify, Bandcamp, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. Also Visit their Official Website
